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Chicago Trade Secret Law Attorney

The best way to protect your business is to work with a Trade Secret Law Attorney who can help you to draft and prepare contracts and agreements that are appropriate to the specific reason the information is being shared, as well as who it is being shared with.

The Chicago trade secret law attorneys at the Law Firm of Kevin Byrnes is experienced in not only assisting with the creation of these necessary protective documents, but also aids in enforcement and litigation if the contracts are broken.

Protect Your Business

Every business has proprietary secrets that they would like to protect.

protect corporate trade secretsTrade secrets are often tied to a business’s market differentiator, such as processes, techniques, or strategies that they use in the course of their business. Throughout the course of business, it is necessary to share this information with other parties, such as your employees, other businesses, or potential investors. So how do you protect your trade secrets from becoming common knowledge?

The best way to protect your business is to work with a Chicago Trade Secret Law Attorney who can help you to draft and prepare contracts and agreements that are appropriate to the specific reason the information is being shared, as well as who it is being shared with.

The Law Firm of Kevin Byrnes is experienced in not only assisting with the creation of these necessary protective documents, but also aids in enforcement and litigation if the contracts are broken.

Use of Contracts and Agreements

Mediation and Arbitration DCThere are many types of legally binding documents that businesses can use to protect their trade secrets when they find it is necessary to share that information with outside parties.

The type of document and filing process depends on the reason the secret is being shared, as well as the entity that it is being shared with. These documents are intended to control the use and dissemination of the information that is shared, and can be legally enforced if you believe the other party has broken the agreement or contract.

Common Trade Secret Contracts include:

  • Non-Compete Agreements: Typically for employees, private contractors, or manufacturers that will be privy to proprietary business information. Usually includes a length of time in which the agreement is in effect. For example, if used when hiring a Plant Manager for your business, you may prohibit them from working for a competitor in your field not only for the duration of their employment, but for a period of years once their employment with you ends. It may also have geographic limitations based on your business type.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements: While almost always part of an employment agreement, these are also typically used with outside parties that need business information in order to work with you, such as a manufacturer or outsourced specialist. It should define the specific process, procedures, or information that is protected under the agreement. These are often bilateral, meaning that both parties entering the agreement have information that they wish for the other party to keep secret.
  • Non-Solicitation Agreements: Also commonly known as a “No Poaching” agreement. This can be used in a variety of ways, including keeping a past employee from stealing current employees or clients/customers for their new company, or keeping companies that you have a business relationship with from scouting your employees.

Role of a Trade Secret Attorney

legally protect your trade secrets

Many businesses use all three types of Trade Secret Contracts throughout the life of their business.

A Chicago Trade Secret Lawyer, such as Kevin E. Byrnes of FH+H, can assist you in understanding the proper use of each document, in drafting documents for specific needs, and in enforcement and litigation, if needed.

Medical Trade Secret Lawyer

medical practice lawyerMedical practices have a unique business structure that can complicate how trade secrets are protected.

There are often traveling or shared employees between facilities and departments, meaning that protecting your trade secrets can be especially difficult. If you are concerned about your ability to protect the interests of your Medical Practice, contact Kevin E. Byrnes today.

Request a Consultation

Business AttorneysIf you need assistance with drafting or enforcing trade secret contracts or agreements, then we can help! We are here to protect your business at any stage.

If you do not have a relationship with a Chicago Business Attorney, we would be happy to discuss what we can do to support you and your business interests.

Contact FH+H today at 847-443-5677 to Request a Consultation!